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My morning walk – Socio-cultural alternatives to valuating ecosystem services
Reflections from Thursday parallell session “Socio-cultural valuation of ecosystem services” Photo: Katja Malmborg I have just moved...

The future of stories of the future
Reflections from Wednesday session “Toward realistic, plausible, positive futures for the planet”. Photo: Flickr: People have...

“Its about the process not the solution” – plunging into complexity
Reflections from Wednesday morning session: “Tackling complexity by increasing complexity. Re-thinking knowledge processes through...

I love fish, you love fishing – the benefits we get from nature and how nature affects human well-be
Reflections from Wednesday Flash workshop “What have we learned about poverty and ecosystem services from diverse empirical assessments...

Social processes in social-ecological transformations
Reflections from the Wednesday morning session “Local and global drivers of transformation towards sustainability in Latin America: cases...

Power assymetries and global finance: Embracing conflict and connecting with unexpected alliances.
Reflections from first plenary on “The role of place-based research for global sustainability and how global drivers affect place”...
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