The Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) aims to integrate research on the stewardship of social–ecological systems, the services they generate, and the relationships among natural capital, human wellbeing, livelihoods, inequality and poverty.
The vision of PECS is a world where human actions have transformed to achieve sustainable stewardship of social-ecological systems. The goal of PECS is to generate the scientific and policy-relevant knowledge of social-ecological dynamics needed to enable such a shift, including mitigation of poverty.
The Institute for Ecosystem and Sustainability Research (IIES-UNAM) mission is to conduct scientific research, human resources training and links with society, aimed at understanding environmental problems related to the management of socio-ecological systems, from optical disciplinary, multidisciplinary work, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary. They contribute to building sustainable societies capable of providing fair and just, material and cultural satisfactions without affecting the capacity for renewal of ecosystems and respecting the natural processes that sustain life on the planet.
Stockholm Resilience Centre is internationally recognised for its transdisciplinary research. It advances the understanding of complex social-ecological systems and generates new insights and development to improve ecosystem management practices and long-term sustainability
The Center for Demographic, Urban and Environmental Studies (CEDUA-COLMEX), is a center dedicated to research of population phenomena in Mexico and Latin America.
Its objectives are: i) conduct research to contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the fields of population, urbanization and the environment in Mexico and Latin America; ii) offer graduate programs in the above areas, and iii) disseminate the results of their work.
It is a platform supported by CONACyT to promote and strengthen collaboration between academics, civil society organizations, decision makers, private sector and local actors, regarding the study of Mexico's socio-systems and their sustainability.
Its final objective is the generation of new knowledge, useful in the search of management alternatives, governance and public policies for the co-construction of sustainability from an inter and transdisciplinary perspective.
The Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO) is a permanent inter-ministerial commission of the Federal Mexican government, created in 1992. It has the primary purpose of coordinating, supporting and executing activities and projects designed to foment understanding of biodiversity within Mexico and the surrounding region. As a governmental agency CONABIO produces and collates biodiversity data and assessments across Mexico's varied ecosystems. It also either administers or guides a range of biological conservation and sustainability projects with the intention of securing benefits to Mexican society as a whole.
The Institute for Ethics and Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research (IETSR) is located at the interface between natural sciences and social sciences.
The transdisciplinary research approach of the institute features the following three central aspects:
a consequent concentration on challenges and problems that are relevant for sustainability
a theoretically and methodologically sound access to these challenges; as well as
the design of collaborative learning processes with an intensive mutual exchange between scientists of different disciplines and actors from politics, economics, and civil society.
The Center of the Coast is part of the University of the State of Jalisco, with an international perspective and dedicated to training professionals with critical, analytical and knowledge generating capacity that contributes to the development and growth of the region's economic and social environment. extension, technological development and teaching with innovative educational programs of quality.
The mission of INECOL is to generate, transfer and socialize scientific and technological frontier knowledge on ecology and biological diversity, contributing to the innovative solution of environmental, agricultural and forestry problems. To train new talents for science and technology as well as professionals of excellence, and to offer highly specialized professional services in the field of ecology.
CIIDIR-Durango is dedicated to the search for solutions and alternatives for the problems of the services and productive sector of the Region through the implementation of projects research, external service and training of human resources.
PAOT is a decentralized public agency whose purpose is the defense of the rights of the inhabitants of Mexico City to enjoy an environment suitable for their development, health and welfare, through the promotion and monitoring of compliance with legal provisions in environmental matters and land use.
The Instituto Tecnológico de Oaxaca is part of the Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México (TecNM). The TecNM consists of 266 institutions, of which 126 are Federal Technological Institutes, 134 Decentralized Technological Institutes, four Regional Centers for Optimization and Equipment Development (CRODE), an Interdisciplinary Center for Research and Teaching in Technical Education (CIIDET) and one National Center for Research and Technological Development (CENIDET). The Instituto Tecnológico de Oaxaca offers nine undergraduate and five graduate degrees and has 6750 students.